[Oral Presentation]Enhancing Security in Online Learning Platforms: Implementing IoT-Based Two-Factor Authentication for TOEFL ITP MOOCs

Enhancing Security in Online Learning Platforms: Implementing IoT-Based Two-Factor Authentication for TOEFL ITP MOOCs
ID:115 Submission ID:281 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2024-09-11 16:48:12 Hits:15 Oral Presentation

Start Time:2024-10-25 15:15 (Asia/Bangkok)


Session:[RS2] Regular Session 2 » [RS2-1] IoT and applications

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In an increasingly connected digital era, security has become a critical aspect of online learning, particularly in programs like the TOEFL ITP (Test of English as a Foreign Language Institutional Testing Program) and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). This study explores the implementation of the Internet of Things (IoT) to enhance security through two-factor authentication (2FA) on the TOEFL ITP MOOCs platforms. IoT offers a sophisticated and efficient solution for securing user access by utilizing connected devices, such as smartphones or wearables, which can verify user identity in real-time. The research delves into the IoT technology architecture that enables the integration of 2FA, analyzing its benefits and challenges, and assessing its impact on security and user experience. The implementation of IoT-based 2FA aims to protect personal data and prevent unauthorized access, ensuring that only verified users can access learning materials or take the TOEFL ITP exam. Additionally, this study highlights how enhancing security through IoT can build trust among users and boost the adoption of online learning technologies. The findings indicate that IoT implementation in 2FA not only improves security but also promotes academic integrity in an increasingly complex digital environment.
IoT, Two-Factor Authentication, TOEFL ITP, MOOCs
Haris Haris
Doctoral Student Jakarta State University

Submission Author
Haris Haris Jakarta State University
Basuki Wibawa Jakarta State University
Moch. Sukardjo Jakarta State University
Daryanto Daryanto Jakarta State University
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