[Virtual Presentation]Measuring Digital Technology Readiness in Manufacturing Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Indonesia

Measuring Digital Technology Readiness in Manufacturing Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Indonesia
ID:63 Submission ID:185 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2024-10-10 15:29:25 Hits:19 Virtual Presentation

Start Time:2024-10-26 11:30 (Asia/Bangkok)


Session:[RS2] Regular Session 2 » [RS2-4] Others

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Technology enables Manufacturing Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to increase operational efficiency using business management software, digital inventory systems, and production process automation. Technology can also open wider market access for SMEs. SMEs can reach potential consumers through digital platforms and e-commerce in a wider area, even to international markets. This research aims to measure the readiness of SMEs in Indonesia to apply digital technology, looking generally, in terms of sectors, and comparing SMEs that received the assistance program and SMEs that did not receive the assistance program. This research method uses a Maturity Assessment model using a questionnaire instrument. The research results show that, on average, SMEs in Indonesia are still categorized as "Learning" level with a percentage of 87%. Most sectors with the greatest readiness to apply digital technology are the textile and food sectors. The result also shows that a higher category of technology readiness for SMEs is associated with the larger proportion of SMEs that participated in the government program
Manufacturing SMEs,maturity assessment,digital technology readiness
Syandi Negara
Researcher National Research and Innovation Agency

Dadang Ramdhan
National Research and Innovation Agency

Submission Author
Dadang Ramdhan Telkom University;National Research and Innovation Agency
Syandi Negara National Research and Innovation Agency
Lindri Setyaningrum National Research and Innovation Agency
Juwita Anggarini National Research and Innovation Agency
Dian Noviwiyanah National Research and Innovation Agency
Agus Aryanto National Research and Innovation Agency
Naufal Geo Pastrana Telkom University
Muhammad Dzakiyuddin Haidar Telkom University
Risma Fattahatin Muizzullah Ministry of Industry
Antasari Putra Ministry of Industry
Eko Prasetyo Ministry of Industry
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