[Oral Presentation]The impact of varying knowledge on Question-Answering system

The impact of varying knowledge on Question-Answering system
ID:74 Submission ID:167 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2024-08-17 16:13:19 Hits:14 Oral Presentation

Start Time:2024-10-26 10:00 (Asia/Bangkok)


Session:[RS2] Regular Session 2 » [RS2-3] AI and Data Analytics

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Scale up the large language models to store vast amounts of knowledge within their parameters incur higher costs and training times. Thus, in this study, we aim to examine the effects of language models enhancing external knowledge and compare the performance of extractive and abstractive generation tasks in building the question-answering system. To ensure consistency in our evaluations, we modified the MS MARCO and MASH-QA datasets by filtering irrelevant support documents and enhancing contextual relevance by mapping the input question to the closest supported documents in our database setup. Finally, we materiality assess the performance in the health domain, our experience presents a promising result not only with information retrieval but also with retrieval augmentation tasks aimed at improving performance for future work.
Extractive generation,Abstractive generation,Knowledge-based Question-Answering
Anh Nguyen Ha
Student FPT University

Submission Author
Anh Nguyen Thach Ha FPT University
Trung Nguyen Quoc FPT University
Tien Nguyen Van Pythera AI
Hieu Pham Trung Pythera AI
Truong Hoang Vinh Ho Chi Minh City Open University
Tuan Le-Viet Ho Chi Minh City Open University
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