A study on development from 0G analog to 7G cloud technology
Submission ID:116 View Protection:ATTENDEE
Updated Time:2024-09-06 09:10:59 Hits:232
Oral Presentation
In recent years there is a massive evolution in the field of wireless engineering transmission of data in recent decades. The enormous growth in this field is characterized by the evolution of a chain of mobile generations. The foremost mobile phone service is 0G followed by 1G to 7G. Recently the studies are ongoing for 6G and 7G. 1G, enabling voice call with analog technology, 2G marked the transition to digital voice, 3G wireless internet with video calling and mobile internet services, 4G or LTE is mobile broadband, 5G wireless edge like smart cities, 6G will be able to hold speed of over 1Terabytes/sec, AI technology being fifty times faster than 5G, while response time is projected at 10-100µs [8]. 7G which involves better noise immunity and high pitch oscillator settings using light wave transmission, which are utilized in terahertz transceivers [9]. This paper focuses on evolution from 0G to 7G along with the characteristics and limitations of each generation.
wireless technology, communication, mobile broadband.
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