[Virtual Presentation]Malicious URL Detection by using Ensemble Learning

Malicious URL Detection by using Ensemble Learning
ID:13 Submission ID:14 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2024-09-19 15:05:40 Hits:259 Virtual Presentation

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The most fundamental requirement these days is the internet. Additionally, we must loop through a number of URLs in order to retrieve any type of infor- mation (Uniform Resource Locators). So this paper about to check whether this URL is real or fake by using Ensemble Learning. 
Cyberattacks, Machine Learning, Supervised Learning, Ensemble Learning, Malicious URL
Neha Dhariwal
Chandigarh University

Submission Author
Shivangi Pachauri Chandigarh University
Neha Dhariwal Chandigarh University
Gagandeep Marken Chandigarh University
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