[Oral Presentation]Mixed Strategy to Cover A Convex WSN

Mixed Strategy to Cover A Convex WSN
ID:82 Submission ID:196 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2024-10-25 13:08:44 Hits:309 Oral Presentation

Start Time:2024-10-26 08:45 (Asia/Bangkok)


Session:[RS1] Regular Session 1 » [RS1-2] Dedicated Technologies for Wireless Networks

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In this paper, we have considered the coverage problem in wireless sensor network (WSN) on a convex subset of $R^2$. Sensors are dropped from the air randomly on some pre-fixed points, which is known as vertices, of Region of Interest (ROI). We use optimal partition of the ROI, which is actually partition in several regular hexagons. Since sensors are distributed randomly, a sensor may not be placed on the target vertex. For this reason, ROI will not be completely covered by a set of sensors. In practice, few more sensors are deployed on few (randomly chosen) vertices or used actuator (it can carry sensors to the proper vertex) to reduce the uncovered region or area. In one of our previous works, we have developed a strategy as follows: reduce the distance among two adjacent vertices and deployed one sensor on a vertex so that total number of sensors will be same as in existing old method (drop two sensors on some vertices and one sensor on the rest). We have compared the proportion of uncovered region using the commonly used old strategy with our previous one. We have simulated for several values of percentage of extra sensors and observed that our previous strategy is better for low standard deviation (s.d.), but not better for higher s.d. in both two and three-dimension. Inspiring from the above fact, in this paper, we combined above two strategies to find a general one, for deploying sensors in two-dimension. The excess sensors are divides in two parts. One part is used for decrease the side of the regular hexagon and other part is used for using one more sensor on some selected points. We simulate uncovered area and results indicate the optimal choice of these two parts, which change with the standard deviation of randomness.
Coverage problem, random deployment, wireless sensor networks.
Mrinal Nandi
Assistant Professor Assistant Professor; West Bengal State University

Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics
Address for correspondence:   18, Jugipara Lane, Rathtala, Barasat, pin-700124, mobile: 9239092073
E-Mail Id: mrinal.nandi1@gmail.com
Contact Number: 9239092073
Date of Birth:   9th November, 1973

Ph.D. in Computer Science from Indian Statistical Institute, 2015.
M. Stat. from Indian Statistical Institute, 1997 (with distinction).
M.Sc. in Pure Mathematics, University of Calcutta, 2002.
B.Sc. in Mathematics, University of Calcutta, 1995.
B.Ed. from University of Calcutta, 2002.
Research Experience:

  1. Full time JRF for 2 years (1997 to 99) and 6 months SRF (1999) at Indian Statistical Institute
Supervisor: Prof. Amartya Dutta, Stat Math Unit, ISI. Area: Commutative Algebra
  1. Part time fellow (2010 to 2015) at ISI under Prof. Bimal Kumar Roy. Area: Sensor Network.
Cryptology Research Society of India 
Calcutta Mathematical Society
Research Interest:
Sensor Network, Number Theory, Commutative algebra, Graph theory, Design theory and Cryptology.

Submission Author
Mrinal Nandi Assistant Professor; West Bengal State University
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