[Virtual Presentation]Deception-Based Proactive Defense Against Ransomware in VMWare ESXI Systems

Deception-Based Proactive Defense Against Ransomware in VMWare ESXI Systems
ID:87 Submission ID:195 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2024-08-20 14:08:11 Hits:315 Virtual Presentation

Start Time:2024-10-25 17:30 (Asia/Bangkok)


Session:[RS2] Regular Session 2 » [RS2-2] Privacy, Security for Networks

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This study focuses on the vulnerabilities and attack vectors connected with ransomware in Elastic Sky X integrated (ESXi) settings. We offer a novel technique to address these concerns by mimicking an ESXi environment, focusing on honeypot deployment and monitoring behaviours. Our strategy is creating a controlled emulation of ESXi in which we place honeypots to lure and capture ransomware activity. Furthermore, we use sophisticated monitoring methods to watch and evaluate ransomware behaviours in this simulated environment. Our approach’s effectiveness is tested using the simulated ESXi environment’s detection and response capabilities. The findings show that using honeypots in conjunction with careful behavioural monitoring can considerably improve the identification and mitigation of ransomware threats in virtualized environments.
VMWare ESXi, Ransomware, Deception, Behavioral Monitoring
Hai-Ha Tran
Students FPT University

Submission Author
Anh-Nhat Nguyen FPT University
Thanh Tam Tran Thi FPT University
Hai-Ha Tran FPT University
Minh-Quan Do FPT University
Nhat-Nam Nguyen FPT University
Tung-Son Trinh FPT University
Minh-Tri Luu FPT University
Ngo Tung-Son FPT University
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